Petrisberg Lookout
Trier for All

Petrisberg Lookout

The broader one’s own horizon, the better one’s ability to cope with challenges. For the Romans, challenges in 30 BC came on two legs and went by the name of the Treveri. Even some 20 years after the Gallic Wars, the Celtic tribe could not truly accept they were now part of the Roman Empire, and saw the civil war between Octavian (who is said to have founded the city of Trier under his later name of Augustus in 17 BC) and Marc Antony as an opportunity to break free. But Octavian was able to put the Treveri in their place. Here on the Petrisberg, with its spectacular view of Trier’s entire Moselle Valley, he established a 50-ha military base with capacity for over 10,000 soldiers. After just a few months, the uprising was history, and the Romans largely dismantled the base.

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But the site’s slopes and elevated location naturally remained attractive. And so it was that, right from the Middle Ages, wine was grown on the Kürenz and Olewig slopes, just as it still is today. Nearly 2000 years after the Romans stationed their soldiers on the Petrisberg, the German Armed Forces did the same in 1936, similarly setting up a military base and prisoner-of-war camp on the mountain, where the likes of French writer Jean-Paul Sartre were detained. Today, nothing remains of these dark times. Many military buildings were demolished, while others have been converted into office blocks and residential buildings.

And the view? That’s still there. And it’s a particular treat these days, with the vineyards at its base and a horizon that extends as far as Luxembourg in clear weather.

A must for: The far-sighted. Panorama pilgrims. Picnickers. Lovers and romantics.

Vista: 80%
Vastness: 60%
Bird’s eye view: 100%

Incidentally, the Petrisberg lookout is colloquially known as the ‘Knutschkurve’ (‘smooching curve’) – make of that what you will.

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